Music of Gonzalo Basterra for the Shadow Universe.
Gonzalo Basterra: One of the master composers for The Scape Ore Incident. See his amazing work here.

Jeremy Miller Speaks on UFPs 3rd Eye Series
3rd Eye's production has been stalled but is still on schedule for 2023 to be spun off from current feature films. See the interview from...

Robert Murphy, Director of Photography/Editor Extraordinaire!
Robert Murphy, is one of the most outstanding DP's in the business. We are proud to have him as one of the main leaders in Unseen Forces...

The Scape Ore Incident Proof of Concept
To create your first video blog post, click here and select 'Add & Edit Posts' > All Posts > This is the title of your first video post....

The Global Interdimensional Assault Neutralization Team (G.I.A.N.T.)
This forum is for the discussion of a team that is in the shadows to stop that which comes in the shadows to harm man-kind.

3rdEye TV Series Update
The 3rd Eye website is currently being updated. Preproduction of the 1st film in the storyline is being made Spring 2020. #photo #ep...

SciFi Artist Needed for Mars PD
UFP is in need of artist that can create concept art for the world of a new sci fi action production called Mars PD. If you are an artist...